August 24th, 2020
Transmissions to NASA and The United Nations
Greetings People of NASA.
It is I, King Brett of the Kingdom of Gnome. I would like to formally inform you that our Kingdom has laid claim to some land on the Moon. Specifically 1 square mile surrounding the following coordinates;
Though we claim this land, we give you full permission to further explore this area. We just ask that you consider being more open about the UFO phenomenon and the pre-existing structures on the Moon.
We do hope that our great Kingdom will be able to build a strong alliance and relationship with you, so that one day you will fly one of our Gnomes to the Moon so we can establish our official Intergalactic Embassy.
Also we would like to inform you ahead of time that we are looking into acquiring land on Mars and beyond, to ensure that all labor going on up there is ethical and voluntary.
King Brett
The United Nations:
Greetings great nations and people of The United Nations. It is I, King Brett of the Kingdom of Gnome. Now that we have been an established Kingdom for nearly 10 years, I would like to have a formal seat at the table so to speak. Our Kingdom has made great progress in changing the worlds perception of Gnomes. More and more people are seeing that Gnomes are people and not just Lawn Ornaments. We are a Kingdom of Peace and strive to help reforest this planet and raise awareness of many atrocities that must end.
With Love;
King Brett