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kingdom of gnome embassy program
If your Nation has an established relationship with, The Kingdom of Gnome and would like to deepen that relationship we are open to discussion.
We have many Gnome citizens that are eager to travel the world and represent the Kingdom as an Official Ambassador. Also we are more than happy to grant duel citizenship to any Gnomes currently living within your nation, allowing these Gnomes that you already love and trust be the Ambassadors that bridge our nations.
First: Your nation must meet the requirements laid out in our DIPLOMATIC POLICIES
You must also agree to the following conditions:
- Your nation will treat all Gnomes with the same love and respect that is given to Humans.
- You must guarantee the safety and well-being of all Gnomes.
- You must designate a comfortable space for the Ambassadors to work/ live.
- You must allow these Gnomes to fly our flag with pride.
- You must be willing to provide evidence of these Gnomes wellbeing at request.
- If our Nations ever are to meet in person, you must be willing to bring these Gnomes if requested.
- You must accomodate the travel expenses for the Gnomes journey to your nation.
The following 2 requirements only apply if the Gnome traveled to you from our Kingdom:
- You must be willing to return this Gnome if it informs us that it desires to return home.
- In the very very very unlikely situation that our Alliance begins to fall apart, you swear that this Gnome will still be treated with respect and we will arrange for it's safe return.
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